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My ads don't show up

1. 6 Things to check with any type of advertising

  1. Check that an AdBlock plugin is not activated on your browser.

    If this is the origin of the issue, you may need the WPS AdBlocker Detector to ask your visitors to disable their AdBlocker.

  2. Check that you have properly added the ad codes in the advertising options.
  3. Check that the advertising codes work with an online HTML viewer tool.
  4. Deactivate all other plugins on your site.

    A plugin can alter the code of advertisements and prevent them from working.

  5. Change the theme you are using.

    A badly coded theme can alter the code of advertisements and prevent them from working.

  6. Clear your website caches.

    Your browser would not display the latest version of your site. Here is a guide to clear all caches correctly.

2. Before Play or On Pause ads

Both of these ads are displayed on desktop and tablets only.

On Pause ads are only displayed with mp4 videos. They won't show up on iframe videos.

3. Pre-roll on Mid-roll in-stream ads

The issue you can encounter with this kind of ad mainly depends on the Adult Ad Networks you use.

Please contact the team of the adult Ad Networks you use for a specific help.

WPS Player uses Fluid Player under the hood. It should work well with VAST and VPAID ads.